This site  is dedicated to the manifestation of  MULTILINGUALISM  --- Dominant Language Constellations (DLC). DLC is  a concept, an approach to multilingualism and the current global language practices .  
The pages of this site include:
  • What is DLC?
  • DLC Blog, there is a 'comments' facility. You are welcome to give your comments, participate in discussions, and add your own material on DLC for the colleagues and students to see and use.  In addition, you can send us your opinion and materials via email - see the envelope icon in the upper right section of the screen. 
  • DLC Bibliography 
  • For Teachers  
  • For Parents
  • For Researchers
  • Computer-assisted DLC Modelling
and the pages featuring DLC researchers.
So far there are pages dedicated to the work of
  • Joseph Lo Bianco,  Professor Emeritus at the Melbourne Graduate School of Education, Australia. 
  • Danuta Gabryś-Barker, University of Silesia, Poland
  • Anna Krulatz and Yaqiong Xu  Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, Norway  and their gallery  
  • Felix Banda, University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa 
  • Eva Vetter, University of Vienna, Austria
  • Britta Hufeisen, Technische Universitat Darmstadt 
  • Siv Björklund and  Mikaela  Björklund,  Åbo Akademi University, Finland
  • Nair Ibrahim Nord University, Norway.
  •  and other researchers
You are welcome to send your materials and discuss the materials that are posted here.
Breaking News: A project on DLC submitted by Prof. Dr. Siemund and his research Team has been approved by the prestigious DFG fund. "Convergence on Dominant Language Constellations: World Englishes in their local multilingual ecologies".