- DLC approach at
The 12th International Conference on Third Language Acquisition and Multilingualism15-17 September 2022, Zagreb, Croatia15.09.2022 Symposium: Engaging with Dominant Language Constellations (DLCs) in the North convenor: Nayr Ibrahim 1. Duggan & Krulatz: Evolving DLCs and identity transformation in multilingual transnational couples
2. Haukås, Storto & Tiurikova: Mapping multilingual practices and beliefs in Norwegian lower secondary schools
3. Ibrahim: Teachers discovering and embracing their DLCs – a concrete and visual pathway to multilingual classrooms
4. Xu: Detecting DLCs in EFL teachers’ lives: navigating teaching practices in multilingual classrooms
15.09.2022 presentatons:Letica Krevelj & Kovačić: If you mind, it does matter? Defining DLCs in consecutive multilinguals’ repertoires
Björklund & Björklund: DLC as a tool to document, describe and develop the multilingual state, tensions and potential in teacher practices in Finland
Dekker, Kootstra, Loerts, & Duarte: Towards a Typology of Attitudes, Knowledge and Skills within Educational Dominant Language Constellations